Sunday, July 28, 2013

Sunday Sentiments

Linking up with another great blog

This is a very sentimental Sunday because our loved miniature horse Arthur has found a new home.  He is going to an wonderful family full of children and love, he will be well cared for and local :)  No longer having Arthur in my own backyard has made spending time with him difficult so I felt he needed to move on to a family who would love and cuddle him daily for many years to come.  Our family may be relocating to Texas in a year and we have had many big life changes this year and this is just one more to add to the bag.  He will be greatly missed and I will shed many many tears when I leave him at his new home.  Sometimes we have to think of whats best for the animals not ourselves and I feel that I can't give him what he needs anymore :(  He is amazing and will bring many years of joy to his new family, I love you Arthur.
  Arthur at a year old

 Live or Die?
That is the question on AMC The Killing
This season only has two more episodes and one is tonight!  This show is amazing and gripping and a must have on our Sunday evenings for my hubby and I.  Question really is will he die or be saved, is he guilty or innocent?  My thoughts are he is innocent and all the awful things we have seen him do in prison is because of his suffering.  I'm guessing he figures I might as well be BAD since they locked me up for something BAD.  The killing is not known for happy endings so I feel he is going to die and it will all happen in the last few minutes while the amazing soundtrack plays, I'm just saying.  As far as the still missing teen I'm torn on how that will play out.  Maybe after tonight's episode I may have a better guess.  Gotta run peeps because I can't wait to see what is going to play out in this episode.  By the way, I'm just saying that if they ever kill of Holder I will never watch the show again, NEVER.

Reveal Time "It's A Girl"

Refer to awesome link:

Marbles is our newest family member, weighing in under a pound and full of life.  She is fat and round like a little marble and shades of brown like marble pound cake.  She really gets her name from being as awesome as Jenna Marbles (refer to link).  We rescued Miss Marbles from a family who claims she was three months, lol, ya right. She had two ticks on her and was eating puppy chow.  I realize we all can't feed our dogs the best food available or give them dresses, toys and such.  But what I do know is that if you can't afford quality food and proper health care than their is many other families, foster care and programs to help.  Jumping off my high horse, we are excited to have this little long coat chihuahua female in our family.  This brings our fur kid population to a total of three and my max number.  Now my husband thinks this is his dog, lol you have no idea how funny that is.  Chihuahuas always love everyone but find a special connection to just one and it tends to be me.  I like to think its because I'm awesome and they know it, but really its probably because I'm always home taking care of them and traveling with them.  Really we have no idea how old Marbles is and what kind of health care she has had so we will just start from square one.  What we do know is she is very Radzy, Wordzy and super duper cute.  She runs around, crates, eats till she is a fat marble, hops like a bunny, chases feet, bites toes and fingers, travels in arm or hand rather, loves the whole family and hates a bath.

She is squirmy, fast, and all over the place.  Marbles is impossible to take a good pic of unless she is sleeping.  Its like trying to take a picture of a fly or a falling leaf, its crazy how bouncy she is.  She loves to run in the grass but usually ends up soaking wet if the sun has not been out long enough to dry the grass.  She wears a little bell so we won't squash her and she hates it.  This little bell bugs her so much she will run on three legs scratching at it, stop every few steps to scratch.  You have never seen such a spicy little chi girl.

Saturday Smiles

Linking up with my favorite blog to share our
Saturday Smiles

I'm smiling because I love my boys and all the beautiful memories we are creating.  Cameras are one of the best inventions because our memories don't hold moments like a photo does.  One picture can take you back to lovely memories and make your heart smile.

Looking at older pics makes me smile

 My senior "Toro" makes us smile because his tongue is sooooo cute hanging out of his little old mouth.  I remember when my husband and I first brought Toro into our life, our first baby together as a couple over 9 years ago.  He was so stinking cute with a huge head and ears atop a little chi body.  One of my favorite parts of his little body was his ears and cute old wrinkled chin.  Today he is 9 years old and missing half of his teeth, has a tongue that hangs out really long when he is tired, less hair, more fat, wrinkles, grey hair and less energy.  With all that said we love him just as much as the day we brought him home.

LeSportsac Manoush makes me smile with their new summer line of super Kawaii handbags.  I won't lie, I have a handbag disorder. Who says you only need one handbag, they are like potato chips and you can never have just one.  I must have something from this collection, I must, I must.  Maybe if I click my heels together three times it will appear, lol.

 Katy Perry
Part Of Me Movie
Katy Perry is super duper Kawaii and I think she is so stinking adorable, her movie rocks.  Don't knock it till you watch it, seriously cool documentary about her tour and life.  This part of the movie is in Japan and she is visiting a tea house with cats.  What I smile about is the super cute cat houses, that I will find a way to buy for my chihuahuas, promise it will happen.  Not sure about a tea house with cats, there has to be hair in some tea cups its just impossible to not be.  Hairballs are hanging around like tea bags, lol. 

Friday, July 26, 2013

Thanks For Removing My Sweater

Arthur with his summer clip
He is such a hairy little boy and it gets very hot in his corral. Arthur is only a fresh 2 year old so we have not had tons of clipping experience, but he stands for hours for me while I trim him up (my experience is limited too, lol).  I just like to trim his body and neck, leaving his legs and face with a short trimming to protect him from flies.  He does not go in the show ring so there is no need to mess with his ears and legs.  I do love trimming his long whiskers, his corral is not full of obstacles he needs to map out with his muzzle, lol.  Now just a little message to my dude, stop pawing at the ground because your not allowed to be impatient and I can't reward you with oat mo when you are a stinker.  Love ya little baby boy :)

Conscious Box Review Jun/July

Conscious Box 
Monthly Subscription Box $19.95 monthly (Free Shipping)
10-15 healthy products/samples

I ordered my first box for about $10 with a coupon code back in June.  It arrived in July so I'm calling it a June/July review.  It was such a lovely day I decided to take to the park and open while the boys played on the playground.  Its a beautifully packaged box full of many goodies.

Ecover Dishwasher Tablets
2 sample tablets that are phosphate and chlorine free and not tested on animals.
Average price is around $6 for about 25 tablets, and if your like me that would last about a month doing a load almost daily.  I'm excited to use these and see if they don't leave a residue or spots and that the dishes smell fresh once taken out of the machine.  

Relax-All with Phenibut
Get a better nights sleep, 2 vegetarian capsules sample
I'm excited to try these because this girl never gets good sleep, melatonin every night helps but still is not enough. 
Average price is about $13 for 60 capsules, which should last about a month.

 Healthy hoohoo
"gentle care for down there"
Feminine Cleanser Sample
I love this sample because the same says it all and is just to funny.  Vegan and gluten free and no animal testing makes it another great Conscious Box product.  
Average prices seem to be about $13 for 4oz. of liquid cleanser or 5oz. of foam cleanser, you can also get 10 wipes for about $5.  I love the product idea but I find baby wipes work well and are much more affordable.

Yes to Cucumbers Natural Sunscreen 30 SPF
small sample and coupon included
I'm super excited about this product because we use sunscreen daily and my boys are fair skinned, also I have a sleeve of tattoos that get sunscreen daily.
This product is hypoallergenic, 40 min water resistance and broad spectrum.  The best part is The Skin Cancer Foundation recommends this product, and I feel they totally know what they are talking about :)
Average prices are about $12 for 3 oz. of 30 SPF, and about $15 for kids 40 SPF.  When it comes to our skins finding the best protection is priceless so I'm excited to try this sample and see how our skin reacts.

 Somersaults Baked Nuggets
Cinnamon crunch, sunflower seeds, grains, nut free, protein and fiber snack.
I just tasted them and they are a great flavor and texture, you can taste all the healthy ingredients and the sweetness is just the right amount.  I think kids would enjoy these too, over cottage cheese, yogurt or just on the go.
Somersaults come in multiple flavors, average price seems to be about $21 for 6 pouches that are 6 oz. each pouch.  They are very tasty but a little to expensive for my budget.  

BIJA tea bag
Caffeine free
Holy Basil
BIJA offers exotic teas from around the world and I do love a good cup of tea.  They average in prices from $6 to $12 for about 20 tea bags give or take a few bucks.  Good teas average in price generally because it depends on the herbs and ingredients used, plus the quality of the ingredients.  

 Redmond Earthpaste
Natural toothpaste for kids
Lemon twist
Average price looks to be about $5
This is a sample for my kids to decide if its yummy or not, but I do like that its natural and comes from the earth.  There is no titanium dioxide or any foaming agents, no glycerin or fluoride or coloring agents, and safe to eat.  A very cool toothpaste for little kiddos learning to brush.

Redmond Earth Paste
Cinnamon natural toothpaste
4 oz 

Orgain Healthy Kids
nutritional vanilla shake
$21 average price for a 12 pack
My kids loved this shake and I would love for them to have one a day but its just not priced for my budget.

 Dream water
Snoozeberry blueberry pomegranate
Natural, 0 calorie sleep shot
Drink about 30 minutes prior to relaxation or sleep support.
Another item I will be trying to fight my ugly insomnia friend.
$28 average price for 12 pack

 Ultima Replenisher electrolyte powder, Herbamare organic seasoning, Highly cultured zu-kay live foods, not pictured but included was coupons for ethical electric and Mac-n-Mo's morselicious treats.

Overall the Conscious Box is a fun box to receive monthly, as you can see they pack it full of new healthy products, samples and coupons.  Subscription boxes are a great way to try new items you may never have thought to try before.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

One of my favorite thoughts

Friday Letters

Linking up with other ladies amazing Blog ideas

Summer, thank you for being part of a year round school system, I  just could not keep up money wise entertaining these boys.  Every time you leave the house it costs at least $40 bucks each time and we just can't roll Trump style.  Not to mention a walk to the park means the walk back is opposite of the going out.  We leave excited and come home praying a stroller will fall from the sky to end the complaints that never seem to end.  I did my best this summer and hope next year will be more awesome. 

Boys, you are my little rock stars and the cutest kids in skool, BUT.  Yes there is a but to this, will you please stop complaining about reading.  Your father and I love to read and its so awesome to learn and to go to magical places that books create.  See we get it, I pray I can convince you of this soon. 

Honey, thanks for loving me for all my craziness and Gemini ways, you are probably the only man on this planet that could laugh with me everyday.  And Marbles wants to thank you for welcoming her to the Moore clan with more love than she has ever dreamed of.  One more lucky dog rescued and given a happy life.

Arthur, my sweet baby boy and the most amazing miniature horse I have ever met.  I'm so sorry I have to find you another home and I will always and forever miss you.  I promise it will be a good home when it comes along, until then we will enjoy the time we have left together.  

Clearance Items, this is strange but you truly do call my name as I enter the stores.  I find the most amazing deals on a weekly basis, designer on a dime is a specialty of mine.  I just scored jammies for the boys for $3 dollars, and school shirts for $2 dollars.  This is not junkie stuff but super duper cool dude gear.  My friends can't believe the deals I find but I know its the Clearance Fairies, Trolls whatever you are calling me, lol. 

God, Thank you for being a constant in our lives and bringing opportunities to us when we need them the most.  We may not have a lot of money, fancy cars, a big home, but what we do have we are Happy and excited about what the future holds.

Yukon, you are the best game to ever come across my Samsung Note and Kindles.

IT'S A Girl

Its A Girl

Yes our family has grown and "Chilandia" is better than ever.  I will add pictures soon of our new little girl "Marbles".  For now you can just daydream about how stinking cute she is and how she looks nothing like the pic above, lol (just a cute pink chi to celebrate a Girl).

Friday, July 19, 2013

Jennifer You Rock

Jennifer, you are the coolest chick I have never met.  Thanks for creating such an amazing and inspiring blog for us moms, wives and cool chicks out there. 

Friday Letters

Linking up with other ladies amazing Blog ideas.

Boys, I love when you come up to me for no reason and give me a hug and say "I love you"

Honey, thanks for taking the trash out every morning, its awesome that I don't have to ask you three times, just because you would step on it before leaving has nothing to do with you actually taking it out, this much I know is true.

Fur kids, you rock because you are the best behaved fur babies, your really just house decor that eats.

Nature, why are you holding back on butterflies this season. Im getting tired of stopping on the side of the road and looking for eggs that are not there, I look like a crazy lady.

Body, I wish you were in better shape and skinny again, also why does it hurt so much when you fall.  It was not my fault, the alfalfa and concrete pavers where in the wrong place at the wrong time.  

Pretty Little Liars, stop it already, you are the most amazing show and you keep me wanting more. A (multiple peeps) is going to get it sooner or later, there is no way Spencer is not going to figure this out.                                                                

Cali Charli

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Wednesday Has Love In The Air

This is the first time I'm linking up with another Blogger and I'm not sure how to add a link, lol.  Seriously I thought I knew how to work computers, phones, etc a little better than this.  Give me a second girls and I might figure it out.  
This Wednesday has Love in the Air, and this is what I'm in love with:

 I'm loving that Miss Coco can almost fit in my pocket and go everywhere with the family.  She is a little rag a muffin doll and will just hang like a wet towel in my arm as we march around for the day.  She is my chi soul mate, you rock coco!

I'm loving that my boys are playing so nicely, even if it was for only fifteen minutes.  

Love is in the air when my Caterpillars turn into beautiful butterflies.  I loving that when they are born they will sit on my hand and body for ten minutes sometimes.  This life cycle is a beautiful and amazing sight to see.  Yet another obsession of mine, but a good one don't ya think.

Finally, July Julep Maven Box Review

July Subscription Box
Classic With A Twist
California Coast Collection

Well its going to be a quick review again, summertime is taking up all my time with the kiddos.  This was my last box subscription to Julep.  I like the product but I can't afford every box out there, so I have decided to cancel and try a few other boxes out.  Really it comes down to the fact that I don't have time to make myself pretty these days, its exercise gear everyday around here.  
Green Tea Blotting Papers are awesome to carry around in your purse and perfect for the hot summer days. 

I love how each box comes packaged so sweet and different each month.  Inside the white bag is the nail polish.  The Beach Tonic is the most exciting item!  This tonic is a dry body oil and awesome for your skin without being greasy.  

This month Classic with a Twist sent these two nail polish colors.  I love them lots and lots.  Julep makes a great nail polish in amazing colors and it smells good.  I have my hands in water all day with two dirty boys and little fur kids, this nail polish does a great job of staying put.

Again I was loving the Julep box and I'm sure I will subscribe again.  For now I need to run the golf course a little more and lose some fluff I'm carrying around.  Maybe then I will get out of exercise clothes and have some beauty going on :)

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Must Watch T.V.

The Killing
The best show on the Network today, you don't have to pay premium channels to get amazing shows (can't lie, but I also can't live without my premium channel shows)  Every Sunday I can't wait to put the kiddos to bed and get ready for The Killing.  Every character is amazing, Holder being my favorite naturally.  I'm so glad Fox picked this show back up and airs it on AMC again.  Love your Police Officers, Detectives, Military and those that protect, they are American Heroes.  I know this show is just Hollywood on screen, but if your like me and you watch the real stuff and court t.v. you would realize its not that different. 

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Today this totally applies to me
Since we have moved to an apartment that has a laundry room, I have begun to live this way.  Sadly the girl in the pic looks better dressed then I do when doing laundry.  Seriously who makes a laundry room without a coin machine, you know quarters, they are hard to come by.  Really they should have a quarter machine in their so I don't have to hunt and dig for quarters like a rat.  I'm considering buying a clothing rack for my patio to air dry most of our clothes.  Bringing me to my next issue, GAIN (the best smell in the world).  I want everything to smell like Gain and the best way is to line dry so I just might have to go old school.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Don't Laugh

Pretty Little Liars

I don't care that I'm 35 years old and watching a teen show, Pretty Little Liars rocks the house!!!!  Seriously my husband is like why do I keep coming home to you on the couch watching PLL, what will you do when its over.  First I want to be as thin as every girl on the show. Second I have no clue who A is yet, they keep throwing me for a loop.  Third, who said you have to grow up, EVER!  I watch Dateline like an obsession, Court T.V., and read serious mystery novels.  But this show has got me hook line and sinker.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Watch Out Here I Come

Not me in this picture, but soon I will be.
I'm so excited to return to college and add some more units to my resume to become a Animal Control Officer.  This is my career dream and I'm determined to make it.  I have applied for volunteer work at local shelters, enrolled for Fall 2013 classes and going to get my gun license and safety courses started as well as practicing at the gun range.
It has been my calling and I should have pursued sooner but my children are my first priority.  Now that they are a little older and in school its time for me to spread my wings and be a inspiration to them that you can achieve all your dreams.  Animals have been in my life since a very young age and always will. I have owned every animal you can think of and many at a time.  Over 20 years of experience with horses (that makes me feel old), even more with dogs.  I have worked in Vet Hospitals, adoption centers, Petstores and much more.
Wish me Luck, I'm going to kill it, Yeeee Haaaaaa

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Fred Flare Again

You all know how much I love Fred Flare products.  The Creators/owners believe Cute can change the world, and I too feel Kawaii is a way of life.  Living in San Diego has many advantages, and one is that there are lots of shops that are Kitschy, cool and very retro chic.  Naturally the price tags match San Diego, but Fred items are always worth every penny.

The cutest silicone tea diffuser (cute tea bag really)
I just love this little dude, leave him in your cup as you sip tea (another obsession of mine), his silicone body stays put.  His little body pulls apart so that you can put loose tea inside, even if you have to cut open a tea bag to put inside him its worth the work for the cuteness.
$ 12 at
I purchased him at a small gift shop in Seaport Village, but it was the same price.  I personally think Fred has amazing prices for very unique items.  I see their items in the Fancy subscription boxes often so I think that will be the next box I order.

To Die For Kawaii !!!!

June BarkBox

June BarkBox
I'm just going to do a quick review of this box, my computer keeps freezing when I go to publish my post and its lost in the internet triangle. 
Heartland Premium
Cow Bones
$ 5 (guess)

Dale Edgar
Calm K9 Nutri Wafers
14 wafers $ 14

Bowser Beer
$ 5 a bottle
Super excited to try because its not really beer, though I bet my dogs would love a cold one on a hot afternoon, lol.  Its got glucosamine added to it, which is great for dog joints, our joints and horses.  I have been giving glucosamine to my horses for years and it works great.

Puptato Chips
by Puppy Cake
$ 5
Sweet potatoes that are not fried, a natural treat

Tail Mix
by Wholelife
$ 7
My dogs are super duper picky, probably worse than a toddler.  I gave them one little treat, made from grilled sirloin burgers that are freeze dried.  Coco was crying at the coffee table the Barkbox was sitting on to get to these treats.  These are awesome for the little furkids.

Overall I paid $ 20 for this Barkbox with a coupon.  It is normally $ 29 dollars for Barkbox a month, though some subscriptions that are larger or for a mandatory length of time are priced differently.  This box totaled about $ 36 dollars so it was a good deal.  I love that these are delivered to your door with high quality ingredients, and are new products for your dog to try.  Spoiled pets get bored of the same old things every day, and large chain pet stores don't carry much high quality products. 

 Coco Approved