Monday, October 21, 2013

Monday Morning Ramblings

*** AAAAHHHHHH !!!!! its Monday already and that means no more sleeping in.  I love the weekends because the boys and I can sleep in and be lazy in jammies all morning.  Monday means dragging the kids out of bed if they did not go to sleep at 7:30, these boys need some serious sleep.  Monday also means a dash for the door so we can walk to school, I like to get them there early so they can play and warm up for there big brain day.

***  My obsession with Walking Dead, Masters of Sex and Homeland take up all my Sunday evening.  Seriously these shows are so amazing and I love every second of them.  Your probably thinking no big deal, when this season is over she can get back on a Sunday prep schedule.  No, I can't I'm sorry to say because then we have a round of Game of Thrones and whatever show will replace Dexter.

*** Does anyone else out there love to play games on your phone?  Its crazy how fun these silly games are.  I'm totally lovin Sugar Crush Saga again and PetPop.  I'm starting to understand that when its time for my kids to put their Kindles away they freak out.  I sometimes have to drag myself away from these games.  Phone games are required to have a timer for how long you can play, and that is no joke.

*** So we recently we lost our Englush Budgie Parakeet who we called "Pudgie".  He was 2 years old and overweight and slightly challenged in other ways if you know what I mean.  Once we brought him home I purchased "Opal" as his companion.  Now that Pudgie is no longer with us Opal is very sad and needy.  She will fly out of her cage when the door is open and land on your shoulder.  This is amazing because the people I bought her from said she was wild and was given to them because kids chased her around.  This sweet little bird got on my finger the day I brought her home, such a doll.

*** Last thought is this; I NEED TO PACK for our move to Texas.  I would like to have a very organized move and nothing break.  Its going to be a crazy move because its my family and my mom moving from two different locations in one semi-truck!  The truck will take our stuff and we will drive our cars and kids and animals out to Texas, YIKES!  I'm super excited and ready to go Today :)

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